First published in Around the O on October 1, 2020.
Oregon’s deadline to register to vote in the next general election is Oct. 13.
As part of a national, nonpartisan voter registration effort, the University of Oregon has joined the PAC-12 Voter Challenge in collaboration with the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge. Through the program, colleges and universities are encouraged to help students become active, informed and engaged citizens who participate in a healthy democracy by voting.
Students, faculty members and staff are asked to take a pledge to vote in the Nov. 3 general election. Taking the pledge is how the challenge is measured and how the Ducks can get to the top of the conference. It also connects people with voting resources.
The election will determine the next president of the United States, among numerous other federal, state and local races.
Register to vote online at the Oregon secretary of state’s website or at a local elections office. You must update voter registration every time you move in order for ballots to be mailed to the correct address. You can update a voter registration online.
To qualify to vote in Oregon you must:
- Be at least 16 years old.
- Have a residential address in Oregon.
- Be a U.S citizen.
Oregon has adopted a primarily vote-by-mail system, which has led to higher voter turnout. To learn more about vote-by-mail, watch an online video.
Ballots must be received by 8 p.m. on Election Day, Nov. 3. A ballot that has been postmarked by election day but does not arrive at the elections office by Nov. 3 will not be counted. Ballots can also be placed in official ballot boxes up to 8 p.m. on Election Day.
For UO Students:
- An official ballot box is located outside the Erb Memorial Union next to the Holden Center.
- Your residential address can be different from your mailing address.
- Your residence hall or campus address can be your residential or mailing address in Oregon. Remember to include residence hall name and room number.
- If you are from out of state, learn more about your state’s voting requirements at the All IN to Vote website. You can request an absentee ballot if you wish to remain registered in your home state but vote while at school in Oregon.